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11:17 AM - Wednesday, Nov. 03, 2004
BUSH...It has to be this way.
Here is your Next "Dream team" for 2008!!!!!!!

we need to preserve the compassionate conservative way!!!

Welcome to the Apocolypse....

I am not sad...
I am not shocked..

This is not about who won, who lost...we all lost., some won't realize that just yet...regardless...
I was never into the other candidate as I was more involved in seeing the criminal removed.

I am surprised to see that Bush alledgely receieved 51% of the "Popular vote" and almost 4 milion people......
I never actually met more than 30 Bush suppporters let alone 4 million.

So many election laws were broken by Both parties last night....
We Need to, as a country, start giving people more than a "2 party tivcket".
Yes, there are more political parties...The ones with the most money seem to get in...

I realize though....
This experience....of Bush winning will only empower me and only make me stronger and make the vision and mission so clear.
This folks, has to happen....
Let Bush lead his "sheep" to the slaughter.....
People have to see what this man and his administration will do and are capable of....
Now that they need not worry about re-(s) Election, they can implement thier "true" plans..

This is a big day for the hannitys, limbaughs,coulters. Again, let them celebrate thier own defeat.

We should he empowered, I know I am....
There is No way onn God's Green Earth that Bush receieved so many votes.

I heard them sooo Excited last nite/This Am. how they can Finally get the drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge bill passed...
Lincoln is turning in his grave........

"Bring 'Em On"........I am not afraid............


"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)


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