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1:08 AM - Wednesday, Nov. 03, 2004
2:45AM ET
2:07 AM and still No President Elect...

Ohio, Iowa, WTF????????

I am ashamed of the electoral Process...

They did better before electricity...

Confusing .

Edwards: "We will fight for every vote and you deserve no less." CNN projects Kerry wins Michigan's 17 Electoral College votes. MSNBC: Dictator Bush prepared to declare victory *without* concession call from Kerry, or final tallies received!! Statement from the Kerry campaign: "The vote count in Ohio has not been completed. There are more than 250,000 remaining votes to be counted. We believe when they are, John Kerry will win Ohio." CNN: Broken machines and a delay in opening absentee ballots will delay Iowa reporting its final count in the presidential election, state election officials said. Through chicanery, lies, deception, polling intimidators (Brownshirts), Swift Boat Liars for Rove, Diebold, touch screen 'voting' machines, Kenneth Blackwell, Wally O'Dell, Therese LeGOPWhorePore, Dictator Bush now has 269 electoral votes, according to MSNBC. Why did exit polling indicate a Kerry victory? The same reason that exit polling indicated a Gore victory, in 2000: because Gore won. Another Bush coup d'etat is underway...


"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it... "


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