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8:42 PM - Wednesday, Nov. 03, 2004
The Days to Come..

I am not going anywhere..

This site, yes was out to expose Bush and his administration for atrocities on 9-11 and my own personal experience in being at the WTC and getting hurt.

Click here to Read my personal 9-11 exerperience

In the past few months, I continued to expose,condemn and search for reason why that event happenned. To this day, no conclusions have been made yet My search will go on.......

The millions who voted for this Administration yesterday are decent people I am sure.I just wish they would awaken and not rely on what they are told but rely on what it is they truly truly seek. We all live in the same world...Breathe the same air, shop in the same stores, swim in the same waters...Why now, has it become so horrific??

Some have called me delusional, paranoid, a pessimist, liar, Ant-American, and many obscene words in my notes, comments and guestbook yet I won't delete any of it.

Your Government wants to "Delete" all of our free thoughts eventually. Yes, even the ones who voted for them.

You people need to know who I am before judging me.

I am not a Democrat and never have been.

I despise Michael Moore's opportunistic ways contrary to some peoples' opinions.

I Love this country more than you will ever know.just because I excercise my RIGHT to question and speak my mind, I am wrong?

I am looking forward to the next 4 years with Mr. Bush.

Now nobody can blame the Clinton's for anything that occurs during the next 4 years. Yes, Mr. Bush, the next 4 years are soley on YOUR watch. I will sit back and enjoy the ride and see what happens. Many people will have you, Mr. Bush under the "Microscope", so its sink or swim time.

Lord knows what 2008 will bring....Lord knows what the next hour will bring.

To all the sad, angry Democrats and Republicans, I implore you all to be empowered and stand strong. Lead by example, not by fault.

Be truthful to the person in the mirror. Not to the meida oligarchy, or the corporate warmongers because you all want to know a secret???????????

I care more about you than any politician, any corporation, and media whores.......

I am not going to sit here and complain about Mr. Bush. there's plenty of time for that.

I do believe that this *has to come to pass* and take heart that in 4 years, Bush(George) will be out.

We need to as Americans Re-Awaken and lay the groundwork for a complete restoration to the truths that the Founding Fathers intended for us.

We have some time..We can do it, just have faith in yourselves because at the end of the day...your government does not, leaving us all....virtually.....alone.......

Now...On to a pressing issue.

This is NOTan address to ALL Christians...

However....It is bad that so many people out there have used this Election as a "Religious Statement...."

Some Bush-Voting Christians
Have Lost Their Souls

Christians are called to emulate Christ. As He lived His life here on earth. That's all we have to go by. The suffering Christ, not the vanquishing one yet to come. We are to follow Him to the cross if necessary, and are commanded to love those who crucify us. "Love your enemies" are His exact words.

Jesus Christ did not "fight back". He did not "kick ass". He did not endeavor to destroy his enemies, or support those that were doing so. Rather, He COMMANDED us as Christians to LOVE them. UNCONDITIONALLY, as He loves us.

Jesus Christ did not bomb women or children for any reason whatsoever. Nor would He ever condone or support such behavior. Jesus Christ abhorred the behavior of Pharisees who prayed publicly and exploited their faith while doing evil behind the scenes. Nor would He have anything at all to do with, or support any kind of "War on Terrorism" whatsoever.

Tough words. Tough commandments. Hard to live by. Even harder to die by. But undeniable. IF you're a Christian and believe in what the Bible says about Jesus Christ's life.

Jesus Christ also warned of those who would come after Him, come in His name, claiming to be doing good in His name, but instead doing unspeakable evil. He warned all Christians against these people, telling us that they would come as "Angels of Light". He didn't go into specifics, but if He had, He might have said that they would promise to appoint judges to end abortion, promise to fund "faith-based" ministries and schools, and cast stones at rivals who "wanted to destroy the family by supporting abortion, voting against parental notification rights, give the 'morning-after' pill to our children," etc., etc.

I hope you get my point by now. The AntiChrist will not come saying "I am evil, follow me". On the contrary, he will say "I am good personified, I will make the world a better place and give all that believe in me and support me everything they want that is good. I will protect the weak and innocent and make peace, and destroy all evildoers."

I'm not saying Bush is THE AntiChrist, but he certainly qualifies as an antiChrist, because every single thing he says, and most importantly, does, goes DIRECTLY AGAINST EVERYTHING that JESUS CHRIST taught, lived, believed, and DIED FOR.

It is time for the Moral Majority and all who identify themselves as "Fundamentalist Christians" to decide what they really are; followers (emulators) of Christ or members or supporters of a worldly power-seeking political movement. YOU CANNOT BE A MEMBER OR SUPPORTER OF ONE and BELONG TO THE OTHER.

Jesus Christ eschewed (avoided to the greatest extent possible) politics and political power at every turn in His life, and His own people turned on Him as a result, desiring a "strong" leader who would come as a conqueror and throw off the occupation of the Romans. There was a reason for this and He said it over and over again in His life; that the world of the Spirit was more important than the world of Man and that the world of Man would fall away and amount to nothing. Suffering to prove you loved your enemies was far more important than vanquishing them.

"If Big Brother comes to America, he will not be a fearsome, foreboding figure with a heart-chilling, omnipresent glare as in 1984. He will come with a smile on his face, a quip on his lips, a wave to the crowd, and a press that dutifully reports the suppressive measures he is taking to save the nation from internal chaos & foreign threat and gingerly questions whether he will be able to succeed."--Michael Parenti


"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it... "


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