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12:44 p.m. - 2004-08-29
This is Democracy.......

Report: 11:48 AM EST: Counter protesters, escorted by Police. Looks like possible trouble. Phone calls from Lori & Mike disconnected in attempt to report.

Report, Sunday, 11:12 AM EST from NYC: They have taken over the streets of New York. We are on 7th and 19th. A solid wall of protestors as far as the eye can see. 85 degrees and humid. People carrying casket with an American flag symbolizing the dead in Iraq. People carrying a tank with Bush's head popping out of the top. ACLU observers. United for Peace and Justice, enviromentalist groups, People singing, beating drums, chanting. Signs reading: "Empty Warhead found in White House," "Re-defeat in 2004," "End the Occupation in Iraq," "Support our Troops, Vote Kerry," "Stop Bush." Tens of thousands of protesers so far, more joining. Everyone carrying a sign. Helicopters overhead circling. Police punctuating the march on each side with metal barricades on either side. Shops are open. The march is peaceful; so far the cops have not started any violence. People screaming, cheeering,. The march starts at noon! check back for a report at noon!!!

"The truest form of Patriotism is dissent..."

Benjamin Franklin



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